Water and Environment

Water and Environment

The Bajaj Group’s Water Conservation Project in Maharashtra and parts of Rajasthan have helped restore and maintain the ecological balance.

This challenging project launched in about 260 villages of Aurangabad has helped overcome water scarcity and has enabled access to water for drinking, irrigation, agriculture and soil conservation. The stated objectives are to provide 100% drinking and 75% run off water, create awareness amongst villagers vis-a-vis conservation of natural resources, encourage good farming practices and enhance livelihood opportunities in agriculture and other related sectors. As well as improving water availability, increasing agricultural output, maintaining the ecosystem and increasing each household income from 0.5 to 2.5 lakhs.

This has been successfully implemented with the active participation of villagers, government officials and other NGOs after surveying and establishing Village Development Committees, Water User Groups and Self-Help Groups.

In addition, nullahs have been broadened and various soil conservation and drip irrigation activities taken up. In all a sense of ownership has been created amongst the beneficiaries to make them realize that this is their project for their betterment.